National Account Codes – Descriptions & Categories

The following are the full range of NACs and their official description.  Further below we have also listed the Economic Category that they belong to.

A1501 Pay costs under this code other than to locally engaged staff overseas
A1502 Wages & salaries and Employers’ social contributions for locally engaged staff overseas
A1503 Payments of accruing superannuation liability charges, UK staff
B3501 All expenditure and receipts from another part of central of government where the corresponding payment is classified as National Accounts Code B3501
B3502 Receipts other than those exclusively from another part of general government
B3801 Notional audit fees
B4501 Licences/levies
B4502 Fine/penalties
B4503 Current compensation
B6001 Payments and receipts of rent of land (not buildings)
B7001 Expenditure on tangible single use military equipment
B7101 Receipts and depreciation costs relating to disposals of tangible single use military equipment
B7201 Expenditure on intangible single use military equipment
B7301 Receipts and depreciation costs relating to disposals of intangible single use military equipment
B8001 Receipts of donations intended to finance resource expenditure
B8501 Bad debts in connection with pay, procurement and capital
B8601 Bad debts in connection with loans, grants and transfers
B9001 Depreciation (departments, NDPBs, agencies)
B9201 Release from the donated assets reserve
B9301 Release from the government grant reserve
B9501 Impairment of tangible/intangible fixed assets
B9502 Impairment of tangible/intangible fixed assets  catastrophic loss
B9503 Impairment of tangible/intangible fixed assets  abandonment of assets in course of construction
B9504 Impairment of tangible/intangible fixed assets  unforeseen obsolescence
B9505 Impairment of tangible/intangible fixed assets  over specification of assets
B9506 Impairment of tangible/intangible fixed assets  other impairments
B9507 Revaluations of fixed/current tangible/intangible assets
B9801 Cost of capital charge relating to loans and public dividend capital
B9901 Cost of capital charges other than B98
C1001 Subsidies to market producers (profit making firms)
C1002 Subsidies to non-for-profit institutions serving households
C2001 Subsidies to central government and local authorities market kind of activity units, and quasi corporations
C3001 Subsidised loans to profit making bodies
C3501 Subsidies to public corporations
C5001 Subsidies generally available to the private sector
D1001 Current grants to persons
D1002 Current grants to non-profit making bodies serving person
D2001 Current transfers abroad
D3001 Subsidised loans to persons
D4001 PS pension schemes: in payment/receipt of pension contributions
D9001 Departmental unallocated provision including current expenditure which cannot be assigned to an economic category
E0501 Purchase of land
E0601 Sale of land (book value)
E1001 Purchase of existing buildings
E1101 Sale of existing buildings (book value)
E1501 Expenditure on new dwellings and improvements to existing dwellings
E1502 Expenditure on other new construction and improvements to existing other constructions and improvements to land
E1503 Purchases and sales of vehicles
E1504 Purchases and sales of plant, machinery and equipment (includes works of art)
E1505 Cost of ownership transfer of land
E1601 Sales of tangible capital (book value)
E2001 Other tangible capital expenditure
E5001 Bought in intangible assets
E5002 In-house creation of intangible assets
E5101 Sales of intangible fixed assets (book value)
E8001 Receipts of donations to finance capital expenditure
E9001 Non-residential construction
E9002 Vehicles
E9003 Plant, machinery and equipment
F1001 Receipts and expenditure on current assets including raw materials, work-in-progress and finished goods
F1101 Changes in stocks and work-in-progress (net)  voted accruals/cash adjustments
F2001 Write-off of stock
F2501 Other changes in stock which impact on the capital budget
F3501 Other non-cash resource items  voted accruals/cash adjustments
F3601 Other non-cash capital items  voted accruals/cash adjustments
F4001 Changes in level of debtors
F4101 Changes in the level of debtors: capital expenditure  voted accruals/cash adjustments
F4501 Changes in creditors: resource expenditure  voted accruals/cash adjustments
F4601 Changes in the level of creditors: capital expenditure  voted accruals/cash adjustments
F4701 Total accruals to cash adjustments for non-voted resource expenditure scoring in OCS
F4801 Total accruals to cash adjustments for non-voted capital expenditure scoring in OCS
F5001 Excess cash to be surrendered as a CFER  accrual/cash adjustment
F5501 Cash Consolidated Fund Extra Receipts
F5601 Cash Consolidated Fund Extra Receipts relating to capital
F5701 Other (current) cash Consolidated Fund Extra receipts
G1001 Capital grants to companies
G2001 Capital grants to persons
G2002 Capital grants to non-profit making bodies serving persons
G4501 Capital grants to public corporations (including nationalised industries)
G5001 Capital grants to or from abroad
H1001 Net lending to private sector – companies
H2001 Net lending to private sector  persons and non-profit making bodies
H3501 Net lending to public corporations and trading funds and the issue of Public Dividend Capital (excluding temporary lending to nationalised industries covered by J30)
H3502 Equity withdrawals
H5001 Net lending and investment abroad
J3001 Net temporary borrowing  national loans fund and market overseas borrowing
K1001 Purchase of company securities
K1201 Sale of company securities (book value)
K2501 Public corporations and TFs payments/receipts of dividends to/from another public corporation
K3001 Dividends paid to/received from the private sector and the Bank of England
K4001 Central governments receipt of dividends from joint ventures and associates, public corporations and other bodies
K5001 Payment/receipts of dividends to/from abroad
K9001 Departmental unallocated provision/capital expenditure to which an economic category cannot be assigned
L1001 Provisions in line with pay and procurement  take up and revaluation
L1101 Provisions in line with pay and procurement  release of provision only
L1501 Provisions for pensions  unfunded pension scheme: take-up and revaluations
L1601 Provisions for pensions  unfunded pension scheme: release
L2001 Provisions in connection with grants and associated receipts  take-up and revaluations
L2101 Provisions in connection with grants and associated receipts  release
L3001 Provisions relating to bad debts on loans  take-up and revaluations
L3101 Provisions relating to bad debts on loans  release
L4001 Provisions for pension costs excluding interest on liabilities
L4501 Provisions for pension costs – interest on scheme liabilities only
L4601 Provisions for pensions costs release only
M1001 Current grants to local authorities within AEF/AEG
M1501 Current grants to local authorities outside AEF/AEG
M2001 Uncapitalised grants to local authorities covering loan charges
M3001 Current grants made by the European Union to local authorities
M4001 Non-domestic rates
N1001 Capital grants to local authorities: other
N2001 Capitalised grants to local authorities replacing loan charge grants/financing grants
N3001 Capital grants made by the European Union to local authorities
N4001 Supported capital expenditure
P1001 Net lending to local authorities
Q1001 Capital grants to central government market kind of activity units
Q2001 Net lending to central government market kind of activity units
R1001 Transactions in student loans principal not affecting GGE
R3001 Capitalised finance leases: capital part of annual lease payments
S1001 Interest received from persons
S1002 Interest received from not for profit bodies
S1003 Interest received from profit-distributing companies
S1501 Payments/receipts of interest to/from local authorities
S2001 Central governments payments/receipts of interest to/from public corporations and TFs
S2501 Payments/receipts of interest to/from abroad
S3001 Capitalised finance leases
S4001 Taxes on income (including other licences)
S4501 National Health contributions
S5001 Taxes on products and production
S5501 Pay/pension costs of staff employed by central government market units
S6001 Rent income from sub-soil assets
S6501 Miscellaneous financial transactions
S7001 Miscellaneous current transfers
T1001 Gross trading surplus of central government market kind of activity units
T3001 Public corporations profit and losses
W1001 Grants to the National Insurance Fund
W1501 Grant in aid to a NDPB in the central government sector
W1601 Payments to by one central government body to another and corresponding receipts
W1701 Financing of NDPB expenditure budgeted on a non-RAB basis
W2001 Broadcast licence revenue
W3001 Transfers to the NI Exchequer/Scottish Consolidated Fund/Wales
W4001 Interest payments and receipts within central government
W5001 Loans with central government (non-trading) (net)
W6001 Financing payments by the Intervention Board to other departments
W8001 Grants to the Social Fund
W9001 Notional transfers from AME to DEL
X0601 Profit and loss on disposal of land
X1101 Profit and loss on disposal of existing buildings
X1201 Profit and loss on disposal of company securities
X1601 Profit and loss on disposal of other tangible capital
X5101 Profit and loss on disposal of intangible assets
X7101 Profit and loss on disposal of tangible single use military equipment
X7301 Profit and loss on disposal of intangible single use military equipment
Z1001 Other payments within central government
Z3001 Prior period adjustments  Administration costs
Z3101 Prior period adjustments  other current expenditure
Z3201 Prior period adjustments – Grants
Z3301 Prior period adjustments  Operating appropriations-in-aid
Z3401 Prior period adjustments  Capital expenditure
Z3501 Prior period adjustments  Non-operating appropriations-in-aid


NAC Economic Category

A15 All public service pay and pension costs other than the staffing costs of central government market kind of activity units and Trading Funds
B35 Current expenditure and receipts on goods and services
B38 Notional audit fees
B45 Receipts of fines/penalties treated at revenue in national accounts and as negative DEL in budgets
B60 Payments and receipts of rent of land (not buildings)
B70 Ministry of Defence use only Expenditure on tangible single use military assets
B71 Ministry of Defence use only Sales of tangible single use military assets (book value)
B72 Ministry of Defence use only Expenditure on intangible single use military assets
B73 Ministry of Defence use only Sales of intangible single use military assets
B80 Receipts of donations intended to finance resource expenditure
B85 Bad debts in connection with pay, procurement and capital
B86 Bad debts in connection with loans, grants and transfers
B90 Depreciation
B92 Release from the donated assets reserve
B93 Release from the government grant reserve
B95 Impairments of fixed assets
B98 Cost of capital charge relating to loans and public dividend capital in respect of public sector bodies
B99 Cost of capital charges other than B98
C10 Subsidies to the private sector
C20 Subsidies to central government and local authorities market kind of activity units, and quasi corporations
C30 Subsidised loans to profit making bodies
C35 Subsidies to public corporations
C50 Subsidies generally available to the private sector
D10 Current grants to the private sector
D20 Current transfers abroad
D30 Subsidised loans to persons (Use with HMT approval only)
D40 Pensions in payment/pension contributions . main pension schemes
D90 Departmental unallocated provision relating to current expenditure
E05 Purchase of land
E06 Book value of sale of land
E10 Purchase of existing buildings
E11 Book value on sale of existing buildings
E15 Formation of tangible capital
E16 Book value of sale of other tangible capital
E20 Renewals maintenance expenditure (use with HMT approval only)
E50 Intangible assets
E51 Book value on sale of intangible assets
E80 Capital donations from the private sector
E90 Ministry of Defence use only: Dual-use military assets
F10 Changes in the level of current assets
F11 Stockbuilding: capital
F20 Write-off of stock
F25 Other changes in stocks
F35 Accruals-to-cash adjustment: other non-cash items
F36 Accruals-to-cash adjustment: non cash items (capital expenditure)
F40 Changes in the level of debtors
F41 Changes in the level of debtors: capital expenditure
F45 Changes in the level of creditors
F46 Changes in the level of creditors: capital expenditure
F47 Total accruals to cash adjustments for non-voted resource expenditure
F48 Total accruals to cash adjustments for non-voted capital expenditure
F50 Accruals to cash adjustments: excess cash to be transferred to the Consolidated Fund
F55 Cash receipts in respect of current CFERs
F56 Cash receipts in respect of capital CFERs
F57 Cash receipts in respect of current CFERs (non OCS)
G10 Capital grants to the private sector – companies
G20 Capital grants to the private sector
G45 Capital grants to public corporations
G50 Capital grants to or from abroad
H10 Net lending to private sector – companies
H20 Net lending to private sector . persons and non-profit making bodies
H35 Net lending to public corporations
H50 Net lending and investment abroad
J30 Net temporary borrowing
K10 Cash expenditure on company securities (net)
K12 Book value on sale of company securities
K25 Public corporations and TF payments/receipts of dividends to/from another public corporation
K30 Dividends paid to or received from the private sector
K40 Dividends paid by public corporations to central government
K50 Payment/receipts of dividends to/from abroad
K90 Departmental unallocated provision/unassigned capital expenditure
L10 Provisions in line with pay and procurement
L11 Provisions in line with pay and procurement . release
L15 Provisions for pensions where body has theme: take up and revaluations
L16 Provisions for pensions where body has theme: release
L20 Provisions in connection with grants
L21 Grant provisions: release of provision only
L30 Provisions relating to bad debts on loans
L31 Provisions relating to bad debts on loans – release
L40 Provisions for pension costs (excluding interest on liabilities)
L45 Provisions for pension costs (interest on scheme liabilities)
L46 Provisions for pension costs (release only)
M10 Current AEF grants to local authorities
M15 Current (non-AEF) grants to local authorities
M20 Uncapitalised grants to local authorities covering loan charges
M30 Current grants made by the European Union to local authorities
M40 Non-domestic rates
N10 Capital grants to local authorities
N20 Capitalised grants to local authorities replacing loan charge grants and other financing grants
N30 Capital grants made by the European Union to local authorities
N40 Credit Approvals
P10 Net lending to local authorities
Q10 Capital grants to central government market kind of activity units
Q20 Net lending to central government market kind of activity units
R10 Transactions in student loans principal not affecting GGE
R30 Capitalised finance leases undertaken by public corporations
S10 Receipts of interest from the private sector
S15 Interest received from or paid to local authorities
S20 Interest received from or paid to central government
S25 Interest received from or paid to abroad
S30 Capitalised finance leases
S40 Taxes on Income
S45 National Health contributions
S50 Taxes on expenditure
S55 Gross trade surplus-pay/pension costs staff direct employment . central government bodies
S60 Rent income from sub-soil assets
S65 Miscellaneous financial transactions
S70 Miscellaneous current transfers
T10 Gross trading surplus, before meeting pay/pension costs of direct employed staff
T30 Public corporations. profit and losses
W10 Grants to the National Insurance Fund
W15 Grant in aid to a NDPBs
W16 Grant-in-aid to other bodies in the central government sector
W17 Financing of an NDPB in the central government sector budgeted on a non-RAB basis, other than grant-in-aid
W20 Broadcast licence revenue
W30 Transfers to the devolved countries
W40 Interest payments and receipts within central government
W50 Loans with central government (non-trading) (net)
W60 Financing payments by the Intervention Board for Agri Prod to other departments
W80 Grants to the Social Fund
W90 Notional transfers from AME to DEL
X06 Profit and loss on disposal of land
X11 Profit and loss on disposal of existing buildings
X12 Profit and loss on disposal of company securities
X16 Profit and loss on disposal of other tangible capital
X51 Profit and loss on disposal of intangible assets
X71 Profit and loss on disposal of tangible single use military equipment
X73 Profit and loss on disposal of intangible single use military equipment
Z10 Other payments within central government
Z30 Prior period adjustments . Administration costs
Z31 Prior period adjustments . other current expenditure
Z32 Prior period adjustments – Grants
Z33 Prior period adjustments . Operating appropriations-in-aid
Z34 Prior period adjustments . Capital expenditure
Z35 Prior period adjustments . Non-operating appropriations-in-aid